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Trafalgar Group

Mystical Fire


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SKU: 180 Category:


Ignite the enchantment with Mystical Fire powder sachets, transforming the flames of your log fire, campfire, pit, or BBQ into a mesmerizing display of vibrant blue, green, purple, and red hues. Perfectly safe for both indoor and outdoor use on wood-burning fires, Mystical Fire boasts an alluring slow burn that captivates for up to an hour. Simply toss 1-3 sachets onto the fire unopened and revel in the unforgettable effects. Keep the magic alive, but remember not to open the packaging and avoid cooking over the naked flames after indulging in the Mystical Fire experience. Get ready for an extraordinary blaze of colors!
Please note that the price is for one single packet.

DURATION 180 sec
NEC Weight 25g
Noise Level low
Patterns straight
Shots N/A
Tube N/A

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